
Account Setup

All students must fill out the Account Activation form to generate a new username and password.

  1. Go to iConnect
  2. Click the “Activate your Account” link below the login form
  3. You will need your student identification number (available from Student Records). Fill out the Account Activation form according to directions.
  4. If successful, you will be given a username and a randomly-generated alpha/numeric password.

Please note: Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. Your username will be in lower case and your password will be in uppercase (with or without numbers). Usernames and passwords are randomly generated and cannot be changed by you personally. Please store this information in a secure place.

These new credentials will give you access to MWCC computers, access to MWCC’s wireless network (via your own laptop), and iConnect (Email, WebConnect, Blackboard are all available via iConnect).

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