
Phishing FAQ’s

Will MWCC Send Legitimate Emails That Look Like Phishing Scams?

The short answer is no. There will be times when legitimate messages must be sent to inform our email users of various issues. These may include password expiration notices, inactive account removal, or cases of account abuse. However, it is very important to remember that the MWCC Information Technology Services department will never ask for your password in an email. If you are ever in doubt about the legitimacy of an email, call the Help Desk at 978-630-9401.

Why Can’t MWCC Stop These Emails?

MWCC stops thousands of phishing attempts, spam emails, and virus infected messages every day, but the methods scammers use change very quickly. Due to the variety of use for MWCC email, we must also be careful not to implement filtering which may block otherwise legitimate email.

How can I avoid phishing scams?

  • Never send passwords, bank account numbers, or other private information in an email.
  • Avoid clicking links in emails, especially any that are requesting private information.
  • Be wary of any unexpected email attachments or links, even from people you know.
  • Look for ‘https://’ and a lock icon in the address bar before entering any private information.
  • Have an updated anti-virus program that can scan email.

What Should I Do If I Receive a Phishing Email?

Students: Click the “Spam” button above the email.

Employees: In Outlook or OWA, above the body of the message, click the “Phish Alert” button.

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